Global Warming is a phenomenon that can no longer be denied or ignored

Global climate change has been challenged as a myth. As the weather patterns all over the world continue to change, man has decided that with enough technology these changes can be overlooked or maybe even ignored (Smith 18). A heat wave is remedied by altering the AC. Strong rains are offset by stronger building materials that are even more damaging to the environment to create than before.  In fact, even droughts are remedied by cloud seeding and similar technologies.  It is argued, however, that global warming is indeed a real and present threat to the existence of mankind on this planet and that unless something is done about this soon there may be no future for anyone.  As shown in the graph, the threat of global warming is indeed real and it is indeed significant.  There is no shortage of movies that depict the troubles and the dangers of global warming.  While all these movies may not agree on the exact impact that global warming may have on the environment, these movies all agree there is global warming and that if nothing is done about this it could spell the end for all of humanity.  From the figures on the graph, it can be expected that the global temperature will increase by approximately 1.1 to 6.4 C (2.0 to 11.5 F) in about a century.  The most alarming thing about this is that global warming will continue even if there are no additional greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere.

The main problem in the battle against climate change comes from the lack of support from most countries. While there is indeed a consensus that something must be done to save the environment, there are those who do not believe that global warming is a clear and present danger.  They argue that global warming is a myth started by eco enthusiasts basing their arguments on weather patterns that while seemingly extreme are merely part of a larger pattern.  The lack of inconclusive scientific evidence, which these naysayers cite, proves that global warming is more of eco-gimmickry than anything real.  Even if global warming were indeed real, it is also argued that there is no real threat that it produces such as the melting of the ice caps because in some areas there has actually been a buildup of snow.

While there is indeed a strong argument against global warming, it cannot be denied that the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere does create an effect.  Greenhouse gases, which are cited as one of the main causes of global warming, are most commonly emitted from the highly industrialized countries and the less developed countries which rely heavily on industrial machinery for production. The problem in this scenario is that by cutting back on the emission of greenhouse gases, a majority of the worlds production of most major goods will be affected. The economic costs not to mention the technological impediments that preventing the shift to more environmentally friendly methods make the reduction of these greenhouse gases extremely difficult (Rudiman 153).  This, however, can be solved by doing the little things.  While there are still those who argue that there is still no urgent need to alter human behavioral patterns, the repairing of the environment needs to start somewhere. One way of starting is by doing the simple things, reducing carbon footprint to reduce greenhouse gas contribution, taking an active role in recycling and even just consuming less.  Life in the lap of luxury is indeed a very convenient life but as it is it will be a lifestyle that will be nearly impossible to sustain. It is wonderful to take advantage of all of the technological advancements that are available today but one must always ask whether or not the tradeoff is worth, a moment of pleasure that could be disastrous for this generation and the next.

In the article entitled, Life in the Lap of Luxury as Ecosystems Collapse, William E. Rees presents the argument that because of the unsustainable and wasteful lifestyles of human beings, entire ecosystems are on the verge of collapse (Rees 373) .  The growth of the human population has come to such a point that ecosystems are no longer able to sustain human life.  This in turn creates the problem of global warming, if not add to the process.  In certain places, while there is such a low emission of greenhouse gases, there is more environmental damage that occurs that in turn hasten the global warming process.  In order to deal with this the creation of a body that is designed to not only specifically develop policies regarding this issue but also be given the power to enforce these policies will allow for the more efficient reduction of these greenhouse gases (Torn 41). As more eco-warriors rise up to take on the challenge, there are still the remaining few who remain content where they are. Despite all the media coverage global warming has been given, there are still a number of people who are could simply not care. The challenge therefore lies in showing these apathetic individuals that there really is much to be concerned about. While they enjoy the comfortable life, simply turning a blind eye will not solve the problem and soon enough it may come knocking on their doors soon enough.

Another effect which has also become the cause of global warming is the melting of the polar ice caps.  Due to the melting of the ice caps, there is more water on the face of the earth.  This has been said to increase the humidity of certain areas and also alter weather patterns.  This abrupt change, while not necessarily an instigator, is known to contribute to global warming by also speeding up the process.  Since there is already a recorded level of greenhouse gases, the melting of the ice caps also adds to this because of the gases that are trapped in the ice.  This cyclical effect has been known to not only contribute to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere but also to the global warming process.

Given these causes, the more important consideration is finding a solution to the problem.  However, the answer to this problem is a lot simpler in theory than it is in practice. Given the rate of economic growth of many of the developing countries and the shift of production to the lesser developed countries, the implementation of any global protocols is easier to imagine than to implement (Torn 33).  It is clear therefore that even despite these actions much more work is needed in order to address the problem. The implementation of international protocols and requiring countries to meet certain environmental standards is certainly a big step towards addressing this issue. More intergovernmental cooperation is also another prospective answer to this problem. The more developed countries should also take the lead in encouraging the shift away from more traditional methods of production towards more environmentally friendly methods through the award of grants and exchange of technology (Torn 34).


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