Wolves are becoming a problem delisting needed

The existence of wolves in the United States has been controversial with wolves facing extinction at one time. Reintroduction of wolves in the 1990s seemed to solve the extinction problem and brought an ecologic balance. Nevertheless, this balance has been exceeded with wolves having multiplied exceedingly thus posing a problem to their prey, other wildlife, livestock and human beings. Since unchecked wolf population endogenous the existence of prey, prey competitors and poses risk to human beings and livestock, this paper highlights the need for delisting wolves as an Endangered Species. It is evident that wolves are no longer an endangered species but rather more of a problem hence the need to delist them. Introduction

At one time, wolves (especially the gray wolves) were an endangered species in the U.S. especially in Montana, Idaho, Michigan and Washington State among other states (Chasan, 2010). This forced the state and federal wildlife officials to move in and protect the wolves from potential extinction. It is however unfortunate that the increase in wolves have come along with a number of problems. Wolves have constantly been a problem to other wildlife such as the elk, moose and the deer whereby these animals are fed on by the wolves in an ecologically imbalanced manner. In addition, wolves have been associated with injuring and killing livestock thus posing more conflicts. In addition to being a danger to wildlife and livestock, wolves have also conflicted with human beings whereby human life is endangered by the wolves. These are some of then problems that have caused uproar on the increasing wolves across the country.  In essence, wolves ought to be delisting of wolves across the country should continue due to the effects the wolves are causing on other wildlife like elk and deer, livestock as well as being a threat to human beings.
Why delist wolves

Wolves ought to be removed from the Endangered Species list since they are back in enough numbers. The western United States especially in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are popular with the wolves with gray wolves being the most common type of wolves.

The gray wolves are known to be predators and they reproduce fast in presence of abundant prey with a maximum rate of increase being thirty percent annually. A higher rate of increase is expected whenever wolves are reintroduced in areas with abundant. It is for this reason that wolves populations have increased in Idaho after a reintroduction of 15 wolves in 1995 followed by a further increase of 20 wolves in 1996 (Ryan, 2002).  The danger of allowing wolves to reproduce uncontrollably lies in the fact that they feed mainly on ungulates. The Idaho Legislative Wolf Oversight Committee (2002) indicates that up to 63 percent of all the ungulates that formed wolves diet in northwestern Montana as from the 1980s was deer the elk formed 30 percent of the ungulates diet whereas 7 percent of the ungulates diet was from moose. It is notable that this diet is mainly a winter diet and the preference for white-tailed deer is higher compared to the preference for elk or moose. This illustrates the risk at which deer are put into when wolves are allowed to thrive uncontrollably.

Wolves have continued to pose a threat to the ungulates with studies showing that wolves cause significant mortality on deer, moose and the elk. The Idaho Legislative Wolf Oversight Committee (2002) continues to indicate during the winters of 1995, 1996 1997, wolves killed up to 89 percent of all the elks that were killed. Worse still is that this has been the trend with 87 percent of elks killed by wolves in 2000 whereas 3 percent and 1 percent of deer and moose respectively were killed in Yellowstone National Park. The cows and the calves are the main victims of wolves killings thus threatening the reproduction of the elks. In fact the prey on calf elk is identified to be high beyond the number of the elk in the population. Whereas wolves feed on other animals during other seasons, the predominant source of food remain to be the ungulates. Winter season however is the period when most ungulates end up being killed by the wolves. It is no doubt that letting wolves to thrive in large numbers may prove difficult to manage as they are likely to overfeed on the ungulates. Going with the kill rate which primarily depends on many factors including the pack size, density and how vulnerable the prey is among other factors is high enough to cause alarm. For instance, it is estimated that in a single winter season, wolves can have a kill rate of approximately 12.4 kills per wolf per year. In a predation study carried out in Yellowstone, the kill rate was found to be about 10.7 kill per wolf per year over a period of three years with up to 90 percent of killed elk being as a result of wolf kills.

Perhaps some may argue that hunters are also a great threat to the ungulates as much as wolves may be a risk. Whereas there may be some truth in this, it is no doubt that the pattern of killing by the wolves is riskier than killing by hunters. It is recorded that wolves choice in northeastern Montana for instance is primarily on both younger and older elk and deer in disproportional numbers. Either there is an excessive prey on older deer or an excessive killing of elk calves.

Other than posing danger on other wildlife, wolves have been associated with attack and killing of domestic animals especially livestock. According to Idaho Legislative Wolf Oversight Committee (2002) there has been an increase in livestock losses related to an increasing number of wolves. In a span of five years for instance (1996-2000) up to 176 sheep and 35 cattle had succumbed to wolf prey with yearly sheep losses being estimated to be 7-57 sheep whereas 1-15 cattle have been killed annually. Of course there are other indirect losses in livestock related to uncontrolled wolves. For instance, the presence of wolves in a certain livestock feeding area leads to abandonment of the grazing area to avoid depredation. Failure to abandon the grazing area results into missing livestock which is primarily due to wolf depredation. Determining the number of kills made on livestock may prove hard taking into consideration the difficulty encountered in finding carcass as wolves usually consume the whole livestock carcass (Chadwick, 2010). Chadwick (2010) also reports that cattle farmers in Montana Hot Spring complain of increasing loss of livestock from five calves to about 25 calves as wolves increase. It is also thought that wolf predation on livestock leads to an increase in stress and stress-related problems such as loss of weight and abortion among pregnant cattle. As cattle flee from wolf-laden grazing areas, they interfere with grazing management plans which result into losses and possible penalties as a result of land mismanagement. It is for instance estimated that up to 49,746 was paid to livestock farmers as from 1995 to 2000 as a result of wolf- related problems. Such compensations are saved with delisting of wolves. This may be very frustrating to livestock farmers leading to total abandonment of the livestock industry since. This would happen because a farmer is never compensated he does not present evidence of killed livestock yet wolves tend to kill cattle without leaving any carcass evidence. Delisting wolves would enable individuals to protect their livestock from wolves thus enhancing livestock farming.

The wolves also make the cattle suffer leg injuries and subsequent infections as they run away from the wolves. Chadwick (2010) highlights that injuries result into losses for pastoralists as injured and sickly animals are unmarketable. In addition, mother cows tend to be overprotective of their calves in fear that calves may come after them. This makes it harder for the farmer to handle such a cow especially in the pens when considering the use of herding dogs. The woes among cattle farmers as they have to incur extra costs in trying to keep guard of their stock otherwise they would lose their entire herd to the wolves. The call for delisting of wolves therefore serves to make pastoralists carryout their economic activities peacefully and profitably.

Delisting of wolves is also based on the harm they cause on other domestic animals such as the dogs. It is well known that wolves are an enemy to domestic dogs and an encounter between wolves and a domestic dog usually leaves the dog dead. An increase in the number of wolves is therefore expected to result to an increase of wolfs attacking domestic dogs. Guarding dogs are the most prone since they are most likely to come across a pack of wolves. Ta pack of wolves is daring enough to scare a mountain lion killing them at times. This indicates that wolves are not only a danger to prey species but also to competing species. In addition to threatening mountain lions, wolves kill coyotes and scare bears. Despite the fact that this may seem as normal competition within an ecosystem, a large and uncontrolled wolf population is likely to introduce an imbalance in the ecosystem.

Calls for continued delisting of wolves across the country are also as a result of the threat that wolves have constantly posed on human beings. At least hunters can narrate distraught experiences with wolves. They are a danger to human life especially when they are in a pack. Smith (2009) narrates a hunters encounter with the wolves in Eveleth. In this narration, Smith (2009) explains that a group of four to five wolves threatened a 48 year old hunter daring to take the hunters deer catch. Worrisome enough is that the wolves seemed not to be frightened even with the firing of a gun as the hunter explains that he was scared that despite firing several shots to try to scare away the wolves, they lurked, sometimes howling and barking (Smith, 2009, para 3) at a close distance. The incident that happened in northeastern Minnesota should be an eye opener unto what menace the wolves can cause even to human life if their populations go unchecked. In fact such ordeals are said to be increasing especially among deer hunters and reports from the Department of Natural Resources in Minnesota indicate that an increase in wolf population in the state is in correlation with increasing cases of human-wolf encounters. Perhaps one may argue that the wolves are simply in a normal food competition but this is an indicator that the wolf population is increasing to an unsustainable level.

An increase in wolf population after their reintroduction in 1995 has been correlated with increasing fears among persons who earlier on enjoyed the woods especially sportsmen and families in general. They are more who among the Westerners who usually complain of lack of safety and fear of enjoying a walk with their families in the woods citing wolves as killer animals and danger to human life. Chadwick (2010) cites how people threaten to take action into their herds if wolf populations are not managed more so in the northern Rocky Mountains. Several instances of wolves attacking humans can be cited to emphasize the danger that wolves pose on humans. Remington (2010) highlights the case of special education teacher who was attacked and killed by wolves in March 2010 in Chignik Lake, Alaska. An earlier incident in October 2009 saw Taylor Mitchell being killed by wolf-coyote hybrids in Provincial Park as she was hiking. Kenton Carnegie was also killed by wolves in November 2005 as he was hiking in northern Saskatchewan. Important to note is that in all the three attacks, the wolves were not sick with rabies. The wolves seem to be animals that take pleasure in killing and controlling them through delisting and subsequent actions would appropriately control them.

It has been argued that reintroduction of wolves is meant to check the growing population of the ungulates especially the deer, elk and moose. Of course it is arguable that introduction of wolves in the Yellowstone National Park led to flourishing of the bush shrubs among other vegetation that was being overfed by a growing population of elk, deer and moose. The reintroduction of wolves effectively controlled the elk and deer population but the initial aim of using wolves as primary predators (Hunters Against PETA, 2010).

Whereas the initial aim was to remove the weakly ungulates, this has not been the case as the wolves population has grown tremendously to a worrying population. The wolves have not balanced the ecosystem of other wildlife since their large populations and feeding habits has led to overfeeding on the ungulates as a result of unbalanced predatorprey ratio. It is evident that the reintroduction of wolves in 1995 saw the population of elk in northern Yellowstone drop from 19,000 to about 6,000 by 2008 with the population being thought to be even lesser than 5000 elk. It is also observable that the population of moose had gone to less than 1,000. Other statistics show that whereas the elk population in District 10 of Lolo Basin, Idaho was about 9,727 in 1995, this dropped to about 1,473 by 2010. District 12 also experienced a drop in elk population from around 3,832 to about 705 elks (Petition Site, 2010).  This is enough evidence that the initial goal of reaching a balanced ecosystem went overboard. It is therefore important to back the efforts of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recommendations of delisting wolves and considering wolves as any other predator. This should be supported on a state and federal level.

It is recognizable that wolves are an important wildlife and ought to be conserved just like any other wildlife. It is for this reason that delisting wolves should not done unsystematically but rather guidelines have to be followed in order to maintain the right population of the wolves. In fact delisting wolves should be seen by those opposing the move as a way of managing wolves rather than the prevailing mentality that the wolves are being eliminated. It is well known that a management plan among other regulatory procedures have to be provided by any state that would like to have  a federal go ahead in delisting wolves. Montana, Idaho and Wyoming are some of the states that are struggling to control the population of wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains. There should be no fear that wolves will be brought into extinction going by the federal denial of approval to Montana as the management plan does not meet the set standards thus making wolves in northern Rockies not be delisted. Idaho and Wyoming have on the other hand received federal approval and have removed wolves from the Endangered Species list. With states delisting wolves, it becomes possible to keep a sustainable wolf population (Montana Government, 2010). Most of the problems associated with wolves would therefore be controlled. For instance it would be possible to maintain an ecological balance contrary to the danger of elk extinction brought about by uncontrolled wolves. There should be no fear that wolves will be brought into extinction since hunters would be allowed to kill an acceptable number of wolves only thus wolf population would be brought under control.

There is no doubt that wolves ought to be handled with special care considering that they had been absent for about fifty years thank to their reintroduction in mid 1990s (Natural Resources Defense Council, 2008). Nevertheless, their negative effects should not be allowed to outweigh their benefits. Seeking to strike a balance between the benefits and the risks of keeping wolves should be the aim of governments. Such a balance would constitute bringing down the now high number of wolves that is causing havoc to a manageable and less risky free level. It would not be wise to maintain a very high population of wolves in the name of endearing the once rare species at the cost of ungulates, livestock and other domestic animals as well as human life. Although there are other predators of deer, moose and elk, it should be noted that checking the population of wolves (who mainly feed on younger and older prey) would ensure population growth among the ungulates which would otherwise be endangered with unchecked wolf population. In fact wolves appear to be the dominant predators of the ungulates considering that wolves are a threat to mountain lions among other prey competitors. Failure to restrict the growth of the wolf population would therefore extend extinction risk to the prey competitors. Conclusion

A check on the population of wolves is definitely required across the country.  While it is understandable that wolves are supposed to be protected as a wildlife which had at one time disappeared, it is important to reconsider the possible harms. It is evident that wolves are a menace to their prey specifically the deer, elk and moose. Having been reintroduced withy the aim of striking an ecological balance, wolves have reproduced to destructive levels. In addition to risking the extinction of the ungulates, wolves have brought unfair prey competition to competitors like the bear and the mountain lions. It is also evident that wolves have made livestock keepers experience losses due to killings on cattle associated losses due to stress and injury. Worse still is that wolves have gone to the extent of attacking and killing humans. It is therefore appropriate to control wolves from a federal and state level in order to ensure smooth coexistence with wildlife and human beings. This is the call for all states, of which Idaho and Wyoming have responded to by following set wolf management plan.

Global Warming is a phenomenon that can no longer be denied or ignored

Global climate change has been challenged as a myth. As the weather patterns all over the world continue to change, man has decided that with enough technology these changes can be overlooked or maybe even ignored (Smith 18). A heat wave is remedied by altering the AC. Strong rains are offset by stronger building materials that are even more damaging to the environment to create than before.  In fact, even droughts are remedied by cloud seeding and similar technologies.  It is argued, however, that global warming is indeed a real and present threat to the existence of mankind on this planet and that unless something is done about this soon there may be no future for anyone.  As shown in the graph, the threat of global warming is indeed real and it is indeed significant.  There is no shortage of movies that depict the troubles and the dangers of global warming.  While all these movies may not agree on the exact impact that global warming may have on the environment, these movies all agree there is global warming and that if nothing is done about this it could spell the end for all of humanity.  From the figures on the graph, it can be expected that the global temperature will increase by approximately 1.1 to 6.4 C (2.0 to 11.5 F) in about a century.  The most alarming thing about this is that global warming will continue even if there are no additional greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere.

The main problem in the battle against climate change comes from the lack of support from most countries. While there is indeed a consensus that something must be done to save the environment, there are those who do not believe that global warming is a clear and present danger.  They argue that global warming is a myth started by eco enthusiasts basing their arguments on weather patterns that while seemingly extreme are merely part of a larger pattern.  The lack of inconclusive scientific evidence, which these naysayers cite, proves that global warming is more of eco-gimmickry than anything real.  Even if global warming were indeed real, it is also argued that there is no real threat that it produces such as the melting of the ice caps because in some areas there has actually been a buildup of snow.

While there is indeed a strong argument against global warming, it cannot be denied that the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere does create an effect.  Greenhouse gases, which are cited as one of the main causes of global warming, are most commonly emitted from the highly industrialized countries and the less developed countries which rely heavily on industrial machinery for production. The problem in this scenario is that by cutting back on the emission of greenhouse gases, a majority of the worlds production of most major goods will be affected. The economic costs not to mention the technological impediments that preventing the shift to more environmentally friendly methods make the reduction of these greenhouse gases extremely difficult (Rudiman 153).  This, however, can be solved by doing the little things.  While there are still those who argue that there is still no urgent need to alter human behavioral patterns, the repairing of the environment needs to start somewhere. One way of starting is by doing the simple things, reducing carbon footprint to reduce greenhouse gas contribution, taking an active role in recycling and even just consuming less.  Life in the lap of luxury is indeed a very convenient life but as it is it will be a lifestyle that will be nearly impossible to sustain. It is wonderful to take advantage of all of the technological advancements that are available today but one must always ask whether or not the tradeoff is worth, a moment of pleasure that could be disastrous for this generation and the next.

In the article entitled, Life in the Lap of Luxury as Ecosystems Collapse, William E. Rees presents the argument that because of the unsustainable and wasteful lifestyles of human beings, entire ecosystems are on the verge of collapse (Rees 373) .  The growth of the human population has come to such a point that ecosystems are no longer able to sustain human life.  This in turn creates the problem of global warming, if not add to the process.  In certain places, while there is such a low emission of greenhouse gases, there is more environmental damage that occurs that in turn hasten the global warming process.  In order to deal with this the creation of a body that is designed to not only specifically develop policies regarding this issue but also be given the power to enforce these policies will allow for the more efficient reduction of these greenhouse gases (Torn 41). As more eco-warriors rise up to take on the challenge, there are still the remaining few who remain content where they are. Despite all the media coverage global warming has been given, there are still a number of people who are could simply not care. The challenge therefore lies in showing these apathetic individuals that there really is much to be concerned about. While they enjoy the comfortable life, simply turning a blind eye will not solve the problem and soon enough it may come knocking on their doors soon enough.

Another effect which has also become the cause of global warming is the melting of the polar ice caps.  Due to the melting of the ice caps, there is more water on the face of the earth.  This has been said to increase the humidity of certain areas and also alter weather patterns.  This abrupt change, while not necessarily an instigator, is known to contribute to global warming by also speeding up the process.  Since there is already a recorded level of greenhouse gases, the melting of the ice caps also adds to this because of the gases that are trapped in the ice.  This cyclical effect has been known to not only contribute to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere but also to the global warming process.

Given these causes, the more important consideration is finding a solution to the problem.  However, the answer to this problem is a lot simpler in theory than it is in practice. Given the rate of economic growth of many of the developing countries and the shift of production to the lesser developed countries, the implementation of any global protocols is easier to imagine than to implement (Torn 33).  It is clear therefore that even despite these actions much more work is needed in order to address the problem. The implementation of international protocols and requiring countries to meet certain environmental standards is certainly a big step towards addressing this issue. More intergovernmental cooperation is also another prospective answer to this problem. The more developed countries should also take the lead in encouraging the shift away from more traditional methods of production towards more environmentally friendly methods through the award of grants and exchange of technology (Torn 34).

My favorite place

Taking vacations is a common practice most Americans involve themselves in. after a long working period or after some months of schooling, vacations play an important role in settling and refreshing the minds. People can choose to take vacations in several places in America or may still choose to travel to other countries where they feel befitting to them. Although there are several places to visit while on vacation, none is comparable with the vacation I had to the Niagara Falls.

 The vacation to the Niagara Falls I had with my parents is perhaps the most memorable one and holds some importance in my life. The kind of welcome we received at the Niagara Falls was exceptional. With everybody ready and willing to help us enjoy our vacation in all ways possible, the vacation was made enjoyable and full of great memories. The guard at the gate was very courteous as he warmly welcomed us with an honest smile and showed us the parking place for our car. We could feel a home-like condition or what is commonly known us home and away feeling. The ladies who offered to clean our Range Rover left a mark in my mind as they showed great politeness. This is the reason why the Niagara Falls became the most extraordinary place I have ever visited. The rich history of the Niagara Falls written by earlier tourists and the early maps tells much about its origin. This aspect was also important to me as I was able to enrich my knowledge in history and geography of the area. The history reveals that the Niagara Falls is young than most of the attraction sites. However, it has managed to have a good number of tourists every year. Thinking about this aspect amazes me and I envy having another vacation again.

The Aferban Landslide

Landslide, also referred as landslip is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movement, such as rock falls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows, which can occur in offshore, coastal and onshore environments. Although the action of gravity is the primary driving force for a landslide to occur, there are several other contributing factors affecting the original slope stability. This report explains how the Aberfan disaster happened.

In 1966, apart from industrial wastes negative impact on the environment and the eco-system, a tragic and needless accident was witnessed at the Welsh mining village of Aberfan in 1966 resulting in the loss of human life. Sitting at an elevation higher than that of Aberfan, rested a depot for coal and unwanted rock  a sort of waste site. On 21st October 1966, a heavy rain followed by a slab heap of rocks slid down the hill, pummeling a childrens school at the foot of the hill. The depot had a hill underneath it which lead into the town itself. 144 people were killed and out of which 116 were children. The horror turned to outrage on discovering that the authorities were well aware that the depot was unsafe and finally the Aberfans future generation had been sacrificed due to corporate negligence.

The Merthyr Mountain to west of Aferban, towered huge deposits of colliery spoil. A spring and stream ran under one of the tips. Heavy rain before disaster had soaked into tip and sandstone. With surface spring blocked by soil and impermeable rock underneath, water could not drain away and the ground became saturated and unstable. On 21st October morning, mine workers arriving at tip found that it had sunk around 3 meters overnight. With no phonelines to office, workers went down the mountain on foot to report problem. By the time order was given to stop adding to tip, it had sunk 6 meters. Fifteen minutes later, the tip number 7 gave way and slid down hillside towards Aferban. The slide overwhelmed two farm houses, crossed deserted canal and railway before destroying school and 18 more houses. Afraid of the fact that the tips that remained could slip again, the villagers wanted them to be removed. When their demands werent met they dumped bags of slurry in the Welsh office and the government finally agreed for their removal, but the village had to pay 150,000 from the disaster fund towards the work.

The disaster caused division amongst those who lost family and those whose loved ones survived, a split that time has helped to heal. Cliff Minett fully understands this. While his daughter Gaynor Madgewick was pulled out alive, another daughter and son died at the school that day. He adds that Saturday is no different from any other day for us. It doesnt matter if its one year or 40 years on - the pain is just the same, the memories as clear today as they were then.

Some will go to the cemetery to remember - others will stay at home, but we will never be able to forget what happened in Aberfan that day.

Animal Welfare and Drug and Pharmaceutical Ethics

Animal rights groups have already ventilated their sentiments against this act and many companies and already developing new ways to test the safety of drugs before amdinistering them on human beings. Conflicting interest lies in whether the pharmaceutical companies will prioritize the safety of human as the primary consumers of the drugs or the animals which will first validate the safety of their products.
With regards pharmaceutical ethics, it is known to many that pharmaceutical companies often engage in bribery and deception o make their products look flawless while being marketed. Since this is an ethical dilemma, the conflict lies on the moral high ground of the people who runs the pharmaceutical companies.
The position of the writer on this issue would be that animals should not unwittingly suffer in these laboratory experiements. Ensuring the safety of the people is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical companies but they must not harm anything in the process of protecting the consumers.

As with pharmaceutical ethics, the position of the writer is that only factual information should be given to medicine consumers and that the pharmaceutical companies have the moral obligation to provide so.
A number of academic journals, such as the Regulatory Phamacology and Toxicology (Baldrick) already claim that animal testing may not be that accurate in protecting the human from drug toxicology. The animal rights group PETA also believes that animals should not suffer in laboratories. Besides the fact that there is an existing law that regulates the treatment of animals in research (Animal Welfare Act), science needs a more valid and efficient way of testing the safety of drugs while protecting the animals at the same time. 

On the other hand, this pharmaceutical ethics research reveals that 
Since this research will be focusing on the efffectivity of using laboratory rats, further research on this topic can be focused on the alternative tesing procedures for new drugs without using and harming animals. The future researcher who will take up this task might be interested in finding out how the testing procedures differ and whether utilizing an animal tester makes the drug safer before it is released in the market. 

About pharmaceutical ethics, the unanswered questions would be about how long the pharmaceutical companeis have been involved in this kind of dirty tricks to promote their businesses.

Animal Welfare Act. Government and Professional Sources. 22 December 2009. 8 May 2010 

This website maintains a particular webpage wherein a copy of the Animal Welfare Act is posted. This is a reliable source since it is a government website concerned directly with the animal welfare. The Animal Welfare Information Center of the US Department of Agriculture is a gold mine of information about the use of animals in researches and the ethical implications of such practice. Furthermore, it is important to include a copy of this federal law into the analysis of this topic because besides legal issues, there are also existing legalities in laboratory testing. One of these is the recording of the number of animals being used in researches. As of the moment, an estimate of over a million animals being used and killed in laboratory experiments every year.

Baldrick, Paul. Juvenile animal testing in drug development - Is it useful Regulatory Toxicology and 
Pharmacology (2010).

This resource imparts crucial ideas on the methodology of drug administration on animals and how it endangers their lives without really ensuring the protection of the humans who will be using the drug. It enables the researcher to dig deeper into the issues of using animals for drug testing and weighs the importance of saving an animal vis--vis the importance of the people. The author, Paul Baldrick, is known in the field of pharmacological research. His work was published in a reputable journal for pharmacologists and toxicologists and is therefore an authoritative source of information on the subject of pharmaceutical ethics. His qualifications make him an invaluable source of information about the topic of animal testing in drug testing.

Kassirer, Jerome P. Pharmaceutical Ethics. Open Medicine (2007) E58-59.

This is actually a review for the book Ethics and the Pharmaceutical Industry, edited by Michael A Santoro and Thomas M. Gorrie. It tackled different issues involving the pharmaceutical world such as the use of deception in advertising and pressuring health care providers to prescribe certain brands in return for money bribes and the like. And very important issues are also discussed such as intellectual property rightswhich has been a disputed area for decades alreadyand the selling of generic drugs. It is very important to address these issues because these cloud the vision of the pharmaceutical industry. Kassirer is an important resource because he enlightened the researcher about the real-world issues of profiteering in this industry.

PETA. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. 2010. 8 May 2010 

PETA, as stated in its website, is the largest animal rights organization in the world. One of the operations of this not for profit organization is on protecting the animals being used in laboratories. The organization believes that killing millions of laboratory animals for testing and research purposes is not right. Obviously, the animals do not deserve being subjected to conditions such as laboratory testing for all sorts of products (i.e. medicine, cosmetics, fragrance). Another point for consideration is that even if laboratory experiments on these animals were performed and were satisfactory, animals still have a different biological structure which makes animal drug tests unreliable and dangerous. So, at the end of the day, we are left with millions of animals getting killed and a human populace still subjected to the perils of unreliable medicinal and cosmetic products.

Edgar, Sam Salek and Andrew. Pharmaceutical Ethics. 2002. Wiley Interscience. 8 May 2010 

If there is a single book the tackles every ethical issue in the pharmaceutical world then it is this book. Written in a straightforward manner, in discusses every single aspect of the industry from the research of new drug components to the manufacturing, the marketing, advertising and prescription of the drugs to the patients. There are indeed many ethical dilemmas when dealing with drug production and marketing and the information that are written in this book gives us a greater perspective on the dynamics of each factor. Also, the researcher believes that it has up-to-date information in its pages. This book by Edgar and Salek will surely be recommended when researching about drug ethics.

Kintanar, Dr. Quintin. PHAP code of pharmaceutical marketing practices. pna.org.ph. 8 May 2010 

This power point presentation reveals that there is a confluence of factors involved in ethical dilemmas in the pharmaceutical marketing chain. And although there is an existing ethics code that overlooks that practices of medical professionals and pharmaceutical product dealers, it will take time to prove unethical conduct unless obviously seen as unethical. The good thing about this resource is that the slides are very simplistic but are full of information. It allows a person to digest what the ethics code means, what healthcare professionals should do in order to uphold their moral high ground and how to avoid conflicts of interest and unethical conduct while practicing within the industry.
Scientific Concepts and Our Understanding
Advancement in technology and scientific research expertise revolutionized the concepts uncertain in last few decades. This enables human beings to advance their living standard and uncover the hidden prospects of nature. Contemporary revolution in scientific research has provided a deep insight about various issues pertaining to different fields. It has resulted in distinct implications classifying the importance and our understanding about the scientific concepts.

Genetic Engineering  A Scientific Revolution
Genetic engineering is a common term that created a revolution in the field of science pertaining living organisms. Genetic engineering refers to modification and manipulation in organisms genes that affect the biological functioning. In the mid of twentieth century, scientific advancement in biological field resulted in identification of various concepts that created a revolution in the industry. Particularly specifying the results, it provided information about biological components functioning of organisms, contagious diseases, procurement and treatment, and cellular component functioning. Specifically, researches about cell structure provided information about genes that forms the basic component of organisms structure.

DNA, the hereditary component in cells was assumed to be the change agent supporting cell functioning. Back in 1950, scientists proposed different theories for classifying cell organelles and their functioning. However, in 1952 Alfred Hershey confirmed the role of DNA as heredity whereas in proceeding years it was confirmed that it is a double helix structure containing information about key biological functions controlling the structure of organisms (Herring, 2006). Genetic engineering also refer to as molecular biology resulted in classification of genes and DNA specifying each activity and structure transforming the gene parts and modifications helped in curing many diseases and produce better quality organisms, free from any genetic defects.

Genetic engineering created a revolution in scientific control for diseases and modifying organisms structure in last decade. Genetic engineering has changed the perception of human beings over a period of time concerning the organisms structure and functional core components. It resulted in curing of several contagious diseases such as cancer, diabetes improved breeding products by changing the genes that helped in agricultural plants improvement.  Several researches and experiments in this field enabled the sequential pattern of genetic code understanding and associated concepts such as production, disease control and breeding (LeVine, 2006). Genetically restructured organisms experiments provided human beings a clear understanding about the role and effectiveness of genes transformation that will benefit reducing the potential weak components of organisms.

Many experiments have been conducted specifically in controlling diseases and improving agricultural crops that provides better growth rate and increased ability to combat against diseases. For example, In vitro fertilization, a unique genetic modification technique conducted on various mice resulted in producing genetically altered desired mice with specific characteristics, such as altered color, better size and growth rate etc (Herring, 2006). This created a revolution in human genetic engineering and presented with the concept that many diseases can be controlled by altering or modifying genetic combination sequence of cells. Therefore, human beings concept about creating genetically modified human beings was changed as now science is able to replace defected genes of human beings which can help in curing genetic diseases, or increase immunity against various diseases.

Other cloning experiment was conducted on sheep named Dolly in 1996 that resulted in producing the exact clone of the sheep (LeVine, 2006). This genetic experiment revealed new concept of understanding as no one in the world thought that their exact copy can be formed. Now combining the two, replacing the defected genes of human beings, such as child who are born with few deficiency (neurological disorder), new genes can be inserted in their body that will over period multiply and replace the defected gene through isolation and insertion process. This helped in preparing artificial insulin medicine. Third example include the experiments on agriculture crops (specifically wheat) in year 1999, in which Recombinant DNA was modified of wheat plants that enabled producing wheat plant resistant to herbicides and pests, with better yield per acre (LeVine, 2006). Therefore, these scientific discoveries in genetic engineering field has provided us insight about curing diseases and improve plants productivity which were seem to be uncontrollable few decades earlier.

Earthquake in South Asian Countries
Earths structure is composed of hot inner core that is covered by lithosphere, a cooler layer covering the hot inner core. Sudden disturbance in inner core structure creates significant earthquakes and volcano eruption. Sudden release of energy in Earths crust creates tremors and severe seismic shockwaves known as earthquake. There are many reasons assigned to earthquake appearance in any particular region. Shift in crust plates creates faults in bed which may be normal, reverse thrust and strike slip. It may occur due to expansion or converge in plates which create seismic waves of certain magnitude. Scientists have segmented the world in various regions based on the tectonic plates structure this helped in classifying the regions as severe, normal, minimal earthquake affected areas. However recent transformation in earthquake shift to areas which seemed to be normal has resulted in forcing scientist to redefine their knowledge and concept concerning the expected potential regions of earthquake.

An earthquake of magnitude 7.5  hit the Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, and Indian region on October 8th, 2005 altitude 34.432N, 73.537E (UN OCHA, 2005). This resulted in creating a diagonal shift in Indian Tectonic Plate which resulted in shifting of Earth crust to few centimeters. Normally, earthquakes appear in volcanic region where tectonic plates show considerable continuous movement resulting in rapid contraction between conjoint plates that creates burst in seismic waves resulting in severe shockwaves associated to magma temperature and pressure that affects the tectonic plates movement due to change in earth crust pressure. However, earthquake of 2005 in Asian countries had Epicenter below 10km near Muzaffarabad region of Kashmir appeared at 830 local region time. This resulted in loss of more than 100,000 people whereas economic loss remains undefined.

The earthquake was countered by more than 10 aftershocks of more than 5.6 magnitudes. This resulted in certain social and scientific implications about the understanding for earthquakes appearance and significant losses for people. Mostly, earthquakes appear in sequences due to simultaneous shift in plates connected to each other. In contrast to Mount St. Helens eruption in which magma movement created volcano eruption and simultaneous earthquake located near tectonic plate, this earthquake in Asian countries signified the shift in earth crust beds for unknown reasons as no volcano is located near the region region was considered to felt tremors, not supposed to act as epicenter of such a high magnitude (Oreskes, 2005). This theory is supported by latest earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010 which hit the region with magnitude of 7.0 occurred due to shift in Caribbean Tectonic Plate. This region has faced many such big earthquakes in past that created formation of islands near Haiti, and so specifically this island too.

In contrast to predefined theories regarding probabilistic assumption of earthquake prediction in regions near tectonic plates, stable vector places have been classified as possibility of facing small magnitude tremors however particularly in the specified case, Epicenter that created a shallow focus magnitude of 7.5 with significantly high magnitudes created a shift in scientific perception about the Earth structure and forecasted shift in crust plates. Therefore, scientists are now focusing on estimating the parameters that result in creation of Epicenter irrespective of theoretical perspective which include the role of electromagnetic waves of atmosphere in creating enormous pressure in Earth crust (Oreskes, 2005). Many scientists are now moving towards explaining the earthquake reasons due to factors located in atmosphere which brings significant changes in Earth Crust internal structure. However, this can be supported by Astrophysics research which defines creation of new mini-poles and polar reversal due to electromagnet induction from atmosphere to Earth magnetic field that create cyclic movement in Earth crust in a particular direction which result in severe seismic waves creating earthquakes of high magnitudes.

These researches and predictions that are focusing on atmospheric factors for explaining the changes in earth structure have provided a new insight in understanding the natural world and its functioning. Different chaos patterns have emerged in a sequential flow of probabilistic assumptions to predict the location, time and magnitude of activities occurring in Earth structure due to in-depth analysis of scientist in external factors apart from considering factors internal to Earth crust layers.

Scientific revolution has been unfolding many perspectives concerning the life and structural components. Researches in all scientific fields have been changing our perception due to new findings and insights. However, research in diverse fields have own implications such as Genetic engineering have been facing ethical responses from social backgrounds due to its productive function on human genetic engineering. Similar to that, diverse earthquake appearance in many regions of Earth creating expansion of tectonic plates and integration of new Epicenters has resulted in integration of diverse researches to formulate an effective knowledge research.

Shall We Believe in 2012

A line of a song says it all - its the end of the world, as we know it - but the problem is do the people know for sure if it is the end of the world The answer is no. No one, not even scientists, know exactly for sure that December 21, 2012, or any other date for that matter, marks the end of the world. There are many reasons why this is the case, why it is easy to say that the end is near, why people are easily convinced and why people do it in the first place.

First, it is important to trace the roots of this kind of fear and anxiety gripping mankind. At the start of the 21st century, the world appeared to be heading closer to December 21, 2012. This date was believed to be date that the Mesoamerican Mayan Civilization predicted the end of the world. This spawned a cult following among doomsday soothsayers and even in pop culture. Recently, a movie entitled 2012 featured a world that was devastated by several different natural calamities and disaster of previously unknown and inexperienced proportion. Disasters include massive earthquakes split open and deep roads and highways tsunamis taller and higher than Mount Everest flooded the Earth volcanoes exploded and ash and fire spew from below the Earth, creating a huge mass of dark clouds, etc. In the movie, they used scientists to appear as if there are authoritative claims to this concept. However, in real life, the situation is far more different, leading people to ask this question should we believe in 2012

The answer is no because December 21, 2012 is not the end of the world. No authoritative claim with scientific credence and supporting empirical data will prove that the world will end in December 21, 2012. Soothsayers and even selfish, moneyed individuals who wants to cash in on the craze are grossly misinterpreting and incorrectly putting together what is happening in real life, what is imagined and the true context of the Mayan calendar that was supposed to predict the end of the world together in a totally misleading concept.

Because of that, it is important to first clear the air of certain issues. One should start with discussing the natural disasters. With the growing instability in the world and the rise of many different military superpowers all across the globe, the world should have been more scared about the prospect of the world ending because of a nuclear holocaust, which is more possible. However, natural disasters were the chosen brew of those who wanted to believe that the end is near, albeit this is not a strong leg to stand on in this particular issue. 2012 stipulates that the world will meet its end because of natural disasters of epic proportions. Proof of the possibility of that prospect is what is happening today.

Professionals refute this, explaining that natural calamities that the world has been experiencing this past few years are actually normal and expected natural calamities within its expected strength and power - the typhoons and hurricanes, the volcanic eruptions, the earthquakes, etc. Analysts believe that the occurrences of these natural calamities are compounded. Technological developments, like the mass media, allow the individual to be more informed. Thus, the worldwide happenings appear ominous and foreboding when it fact, this has been the trend in the past although news about it doesnt reach the global audience the way it does today.

The issue with 2012 is that it is about propagandists who twisted an idea to sell it, and hopefully profit from it. Today, no scientist supported by a scientific association and a study containing empirical data that has come forward with explanations regarding 2012 as the end of the world. This should be proof enough that 2012 should not be taken as something that has scientific truth in it. It is merely a story about a fictitious turn of events and developments involving the Earths core, something that hasnt happened yet and is unlikely to happen. As for natural calamities, scientists have explained time and again that there are calamities that hit the world with a stronger force than the usual. These calamities are always deadly and destructive, like the earthquakes in many parts of the world like Haiti in the last two years, the Hurricane Katrina, the Banda Aceh tsunami, etc. Natural calamities have the potential to kill people by the thousands. That is why, the government as well as science and technology are continuously developing ways so that human beings are more able to withstand and survive these kinds of natural calamities in the future.

Another important point to make to refute the concept that 2012 is the end of the world is the misreading and misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar and what is actually says and means. Like in many cases, pre-Columbian Mesoamerican groups like the Mayans are difficult to decode because of their language. This alone is enough to say that modern scientists are unsure if they correctly interpreted what the Mayan calendar when it said end of the world. Professionals argue that the end of the world could also mean other things, like the end of a cycle of (Vachon, 2007, p. 102) a long calendar like the case of the Mayan civilization, and more importantly, change (Hitchcock, 2009, p. 11) or even enlightenment (Liptak, 2010, p. 2).

As far as the Mayan calendar is concerned (since this is the basis of many 2012 end of days perspectives, including the movie), it did not say that the world is ending via a spate of natural calamities rendering humans extinct or nearly extinct. Individuals merely used natural calamities for a very good and practical reason because natural calamities are very unpredictable and can change some of its characteristics unexpectedly, and because it is a naturally powerful force, that humans cannot control or contain. People batting for the belief that it is the end of the world in 2012 uses the fear of the unknown to lure people in and convince them that this is true. For the believers and those who are made to believe, the prospect of such turn of events is very dramatic and devastating, affecting the emotional aspect of the human being which can easily pull the individual towards believing even without solid proof.

If 2012 has any real and scientific significance, then by now countries should be amassing their talented minds, their money and their resources towards creating a feasible course of action that can save as many people once this destructive force hits the planet. Countries should not be bothered anymore by capitalism, terrorism, and other issues when what they are to face is something far greater than all of those things combined.

Lastly, if it is any consolation, the problem about the concept of 2012 is not about natural calamities and worldwide destruction, but the tendency of the people to believe in things that are supposed to be greater than them, like the concept of doomsday. People have the tendency and the yearning to be awed by something as big and overpowering as the concept of the end of the world that people do not have a hard time selling it and convincing people about it because of the innate characteristics of human beings.

That is why skeptics stand out from crowd, because they appear not normal compared to most people who would easily believe anything as long as it is awe-inspiring, great and big, like doomsday and end of the world. Regardless of the absence of proof among soothsayers and the overwhelming scientific proofs claiming that there is no 2012 end of days scenario coming, in the end, the problem is with individuals who only believe what they choose to believe. Proofs, or lack of it, are mainly second considerations. This condition is the bigger problem in this issue. Many individuals as far back as the 19th century have resorted to predicting the end of the world, but none of them is yet to hit the nail in the head (Danelek, 2009, p. 29). If ever one of them turned out to be right in the future, the only consolation is that they cannot brag and say I told you so because once the human race is wiped out, it does not matter.

For now, the only ones that would claim the I-told-you-so line are those who are trying to wake people up from their state anxiety caused by their unnecessary 2012 fears. This includes professionals and several famous Mayan experts (Hundley, 2010, p. 11) who have challenged the idea that December 21, 2012, corresponds to the end of the world (Hundley, 2010, p. 11). If there is something to fear in the future, it is the fear of continued ignorance and ignoring the truth that the world is not about to end as what people are led to believe because of 2012 related end-of-days concept popularized by the mass media.

Global Warming in the Arctic

Global warming has been on the rise for the past several years. It is caused by the massive increase of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide and ozone, in the atmosphere due to burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Fuel used in cars, heating up-systems in our houses with fuel derived from coal, leads to the trapping of gases in the atmosphere. The Arctic region is the most affected part of the earth. As Global warming expands, arctic ice masses begin to melt and fresh water turns to salty water which changes the circulation pattern of oceans .This causes the sea level to rise and loss of land. Furthermore, the world is losing drinkable water as global warming continues. The Arctic continues to warm at a rate about twice as fast as rest of the world. Habitants of the arctic have also noticed the changes in the arctic environment that has affected wildlife, humans and the surroundings.

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of global warming on the arctic region. First, the paper will focus on mw general facts of global warming, and will provide a glimpse of the causes. Secondly, the paper will focus on the role of carbon dioxide in melting the arctic ice and also subsequent rise in sea levels. Finally, this paper will attempt to offer solutions on how to reduce carbon dioxide and create more oxygen to prevent global warming

1. General Facts about Global Warming
1.1 Global Warming
Greenhouse Gases
   Greenhouse gases are defined as chemical compounds that contribute to the  HYPERLINK httpwww.eoearth.orgarticleGreenhouse_effect o Greenhouse effect greenhouse effect (Reay, 2007). Carbon-dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone in lower atmosphere, halocarbons especially chlorofluorocarbons and aerosols are the primary greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases allow entry of sunlight into the atmosphere to warm the earths surface. However, they prevent heat rays, reflected back from the surface, from leaving the atmosphere. Thus, greenhouses gases result in entrapment of heat in the lower atmosphere of the earth (Reay, 2007). Since the onset of industrial revolution, concentrations of greenhouse gases have been rising at alarming rates. Increased concentrations of these gases result in rising global warming.
1.2. Causes of Global Warming
     A. Emission of Fossil Fuels
     Fossil fuels are mineral fuels obtained from anaerobic decomposition of prehistoric plants and animals. Coal, natural gas, petroleum and its byproducts make up the fossil fuels. Extraction, transportation and burning of fossil fuels are responsible for emissions of several greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide and methane. Research indicated that 75 percent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere results from burning of fossil fuels, especially coal (Cheetham, 2009). Fossil fuel burning emits carbon into the atmosphere, which reacts with oxygen to produce the most important greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. Fossil fuel burning is also responsible for increasing concentration of nitrous oxides. Extraction and transportation of fossil fuels, including coal mining, oil drilling and leaky gas pipelines release methane.
 Deforestation connotes a clearing of forested land through an overcutting of tress and clearing of land (Shipman, Wilson,  Todd, 2007). Trees absorb carbon dioxide and have a cooling effect on the atmosphere. With continual destruction of trees, fewer carbon dioxide emissions are absorbed. As a result, larger quantities of the greenhouse gas remain in the atmosphere trapping greater amounts of heat. Deforestation lowers natures ability to absorb carbon dioxide and accounts for around 25 percent of carbon dioxide emissions (Cheetham, 2009).

2. Recent Changes
 2.1. Climate Changes
Increase in Temperature
          Global warming has been leading to consistent increases in average temperature of the earths surface. According to a study undertaken by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (Karl et al., 2006), temperature on the earths surface and the troposphere has been on the rise in the past few decades. Earths surface has been repeatedly warming since 1958 with the pace of warming increasing since 1979. Researchers found that global-average temperature rose by 0.12 C per decade since 1958 and by 0.16 C per decade post 1979. In tropical regions temperature rise of 0.11 C was recorded since 1958 and 0.13 C since 1979. Study also revealed that tropospheric warming has been greater than surface warming from 1958 till 2005. Global-average tropospheric temperatures have been increasing by 0.14 C from 1958 and between 0.10-0.20  C since 1979. Tropical temperatures have risen by 0.13C per decade since 1958, and between 0.02C and 0.19C per decade since 1979. The research study built on the IPCC and NRC assessment reports on climate change induced by global warming. Global temperatures are expected to rise over the next century.
2.2 Arctic Ice is Melting
Sea Level is Rising
     A number of scientific studies confirm, probing the impact of global warming on the Arctic, confirm that its ice is melting causing a rise in sea level. According to a NASA study under Josefino C. Comiso (2003), the Arctic has significantly warmed since 1980, causing biggest temperature hikes in North America. Researchers have anticipated that melting of Arctic ice and rise in its sea level are affected by global warming. Comiso found that Arctic warming in the last two decades was eight times the warming in the last century. Further, Global warming affected different Arctic regions in different ways. Although it has led to a warming of majority of regions in the Arctic, places like Greenland have been cooling. In totality, Arctic temperatures over sea ice are rising at the rate of 1.22o C per decade (Jenner, 2003). The results of the study were found to be consistent with previously NASA-funded studies, such as the research conducted by Mark C. Serreze, a scientist at the University of Colorado, in 2002. Mark found that Arctic summer sea ice reached its lowest level in summer of 2002. Lowering of Arctic ice and rise in sea level have been continuing and worsening over the years. According to Mark Serreze, we have not seen a recovery we really see we are reinforcing that general downward trend (Jenner, 2003). Sea level rise and increase in ocean water create more open water. This implies more open water which, in turn, increases absorption solar energy facilitating greater warming of oceans and faster melting of ice (Jenner, 2003).
Concerns of Flooding
Rise in sea and ocean levels is creating pertinent flood threat in the region. Research indicates that even rise of a few inches in ocean levels can wreak havoc on coastal towns, cities and ecosystems (Jenner, 2003). Continual threats of ocean level rise are creating severe concerns about flooding of coastal regions, and destruction of coastal habitats.

3. Preventing Global Warming on the Arctic
3.1 Recycle and Reuse
Recycling of Waste can Lower Pollution
Recycling helps to reduce pollution in the atmosphere. Research indicates that recycling of paper products can lower water pollution by 35 percent. More importantly, in the context of global warming, recycling can facilitate a 73 percent reduction in air pollution (Bonenberger, 2010). Lesser amounts of nitrous oxides and chlorofluorocarbons, in addition, to lower levels of carbon dioxide can effectively lower global warming and prevent future warming. Recycling of steel has been found to lower water pollutants by 76 percent, mining wastes by 97 percent and air pollutants by 86 percent (Bonenberger, 2010). Recycling and reusing of materials can greatly regulate levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and lessen the intensity and hastening pace of global warming.
3.2 Protect and Preserve Forest
Planting of trees
     When deforestation imposes a problem, afforestation or planting of more tress constitutes the solution. Steps must be taken to protect and preserve forests and prevent illegitimate destruction of forested regions. Planting of more trees increases natures absorptive capacity of carbon dioxide (Shipman, Wilson,  Todd, 2007). With more absorption, smaller will be the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide and lesser the global heating effect it generates. Thus, to counter the damage induced by deforestation, more trees must be planted to absorb excess quantities of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and curtail global warming.

4. Recommendations
4.1 Reduce Carbon Dioxide
Use Alternate Forms of Energy
     To lower global warming and curtail its malefic effects, it is recommended that carbon dioxide emission be reduced. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere can be lowered by substitution of carbonaceous fuels by alternative forms of energy. Alternative forms of energy comprise energy sources other than fossil fuels and nuclear fuels (Shipman, Wilson,  Todd, 2007, p. 90). Majority of alternative forms of energy are also renewable, sources that cannot be exhausted (Shipman, Wilson,  Todd, 2007, p. 90). Solar energy should be used to lower atmospheric carbon dioxide. Sun is the primary source of energy on earth. Solar energy can be channeled through photovoltaic cells and used for heating, cooling and lighting buildings, for generating electricity, and heating water among other industrial processes (Shipman, Wilson,  Todd, 2007, p. 91). A second alternative form of energy that should be substituted for fossil fuels is hydropower or energy harnessed from downstream flow of water. Hydropower is presently used for electricity generation. It is recommended that other alternative energy sources such as wind energy, geothermal energy or energy harnessed from geothermal hotspots and tidal energy, biomass and bio-fuels, be exploited and used as substitutes for fossil fuels to lower atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide.
 Alternative Transportation
Alternative transport constitutes a second solution for lowering carbon dioxide emissions. The transportation sector accounts for a sizeable amount of carbon dioxide emissions. Alternative transportation not only helps to reduce pollution by limiting carbon dioxide release but also lowers congestion and changes of crashes and life-changing injuries (Nace, 2009). Modes of alternative transportation include bicycles, electric vehicles or vehicles rely on electric motors for propulsion, hybrid vehicles using on-board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) and flexible fuel vehicles that can alternate between two sources of energy (Nace, 2009). Light electric vehicles, motorized bicycles, Para-transit, plugged-in hybrid vehicles and zero emissions vehicles constitute other alternative transportation options (Nace, 2009). Finally, use of public transport is also recommended to assist in reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

Global warming

The entire worlds geoscientists and even non-scientists alike have increasingly focused their attention on the issue of global warming in the last century. Political leaders of diverse countries across the globe also seem to be overly disturbed about this contemporary environmental harm to our planet. Most particularly, these leaders are the former American Vice-President (Al Gore) who has researched extensively into this universal problem. The reason behind this swell in concern is connected with the alarming rate at which this global warming is incessantly increasing. Over the last century, the global temperature has been recorded to have an average increase of   0.75 degrees. The natural question that comes to mind at this juncture is what is responsible for this global warming The world body on the issue of climate change has put the major cause as diverse human activities. At least 90 of the cause comes from our activities (Rosenthal, 2007).

Human activities in this context have been explained by scientists as the human acts of burning fossil fuel such as coal and oil, burning forest and other agricultural practices, other emissions of toxic and heated gases to the atmosphere.  What this invariably means is that it is human himself that is destroying the nature he claims to love so much, for there has been no proof whatsoever that there are other natural forces that are responsible for global warming.    

Global warming is irresponsible for heating up the climate, destroying the ozone layer, which protects from the direct radiation of the Sun on the Earths surface. I have personally chosen the word irresponsible simply because this act has enormous consequence to the entire universe. Global warming has been defined by geoscientists as the observed and projected increases in the average temperature of Earths atmosphere and oceans. It is the continuous rise in Earths average temperature over the years (Rosenthal, 2007).

Effects of Global Warming
Researches have proven that there has been a gradual increase in the number of worlds storms, hurricanes, cyclones etc. Scientists claim that this is inversely connected to the continuous global warming. In the recent past, America, Asia and some other parts of the world witnessed storms and hurricanes believed to be an aftermath of global warming. Other effects of global warming on climate include increases in water and air temperatures, reduced days of frost, frequent rise in sea level, reduction in snow cover,  prolonged ice-free period on rivers and lakes to mention few. Global warming has been said to also affect the composition of the air in the atmosphere for the atmospheric carbon dioxide has been noticed to be on the increase, the continuous rise in temperature is directly increasing the concentration of not only carbon dioxide but also methane, and other gases. As there is a connection in the air composition and the climate, the climate witnesses changes in the air composition, creating a chain reaction.

These climate changes include droughts and other extreme weather conditions, change in arctic temperatures and broad changes in precipitation amounts, all of which may lead to some species extinctions and reduction in agricultural yields, which is indeed a great adverse effect on the future of Earth.

Global warming is predominantly caused by the human persistence in interference with the atmosphere. The planet will thus continue to witness environmental transformation until adequate counter-measures are taken. Out of all, the effects of global warming, such as increases in the Earth temperature have received much attention in the recent past. This is perhaps because increase in temperature is a more conspicuous effect on humans. Over the last decades, the temperature of the earth surface has almost doubled compared to the early nineteenth centurys. Research proved that the lower troposphere temperatures have increased above 0.25F per decade since 1979. Before the advent of human emission of greenhouse gases, over a hundred years ago late in the nineteenth century, temperature has been observed to be relatively stable. Scientists across the globe have claimed 2005 to be the warmest year in the recent past, slightly exceeding the former record observed in the year 1998 by some hundredths of degree.

This change in temperature is not peculiar to America or Asia alone, it is a global issue. However, it varies across the globe. The increase in the rate of ocean temperature has been observed to be half of that of the land. This is simply because the ocean has the capacity to lose heat through water evaporation and other efficient heat capacity. Again, the Southern Hemisphere is usually slower to warm than the Northern Hemisphere because, the Northern Hemisphere has more land and more areas of seasonal snow and sea-ice cover. The slow response of the oceans to temperature change means the that climate can possibly take several centuries or even more to adjust to normal, thus even if there is a stoppage of emission of  greenhouse gases, the earth would still experience a continuous warming of almost 0.9F.

It has been established that our present sources of energy and their usage are quite harmful in the long term both to the earth and to the entire humanity.  Our ecology is presently at great risk, due to nothing but the adverse changes in climate condition, a result of emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. This global warming will persist if humans continue their activities with fossil fuel and deforestation without control. Even if the emission stops, global warming will persist after 2100, simply because of the relatively long lifetime of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and high heat capacity of the oceans.

Today, concerted efforts have been put in place to improve energy efficiency and also reduce the carbon intensity of the world economy.  The world has become fully aware of the need to stop the emission of these gases immediately.  Scientists have not only confirmed anthropogenic global warming, but have vehemently urged the nations of the world to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The nations behind this massive motion are both developed and developing nations. Three of major developing countries involved are Brazil, China and India, which are coincidentally the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the developing world. This current global response to climate change stresses the need for the world to take immediate action due to the nature of this problem. Essentially, the world leaders have pushed an agreement on the immediate reductions of emission of greenhouse gases in order to combat adverse consequences of anthropogenic climate change.

The worlds scientists have decried the continuous lack of control of greenhouse gas emissions. They claim it must be reduced considerably as soon as possible. The unanimous agreement among geoscientists in the world on global temperature has provoked serious attention of several organizations, nations, states, and individuals. Several responses to global warming claim the problem can be resolved in the following ways

This is the means of reducing emissions during the processing of our energy sources, due to the general agreement reached by diverse governing bodies.  All have agreed that the release in greenhouse gases should be reduced drastically. Scientists claim that mitigation will gradually slowdown the rate of global warming, for the temperatures will noticeably decrease only after several centuries. Treaties have been reached on the emission of these gases, with over 160 countries involved. Several environmental committees encourage concerted effort against global warming, regulating the production of fossil fuel across the globe. In the early days of 2005, the European Union Emission Trading Scheme was established in Europe. In 2008, Australia also commissioned its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

Since global warming is not a problem that can be instantly resolved, several scientific bodies have claimed that the most effective way of solving the impact of global warming is by the means of adaptive measures. They have hence suggested several measures for the world to adapt to global warming. These measures include installation of air-conditioning equipment, quitting projects in areas threatened by occasional rise in sea level. Other methods to adapt to it include conservation of water and construction of flood preventive facilities, adaptive agricultural practices, protection of the worlds threatened species, water rationing, adaptive medical care and lots more. There have been several publications on the adaptive measure to the global warming.

This is yet another medium of solving the problem of global warming. It simply means the act of considerably redesigning the Earths natural environment for the purpose of suiting the human needs. A ready example of this is the gas remediation of the greenhouse. This cleanses the atmosphere of the greenhouse gases, using carbon sequestration techniques, which capture carbon dioxide in the air. Another method is solar radiation management, which reduces absorbed solar radiation in the air. However, there are yet to appear noticeable and tangible geoengineering projects across the globe.

Summarily, global warming has been a problem that has persisted in the past centuries. The effects are quite adverse to both human beings and the Earth itself. The effects include adverse climatic condition, extinction of some species, rise in sea level, increase in temperature of soil and several other adverse effects. However, human beings are the reason behind this global warming through such their activities as burning of fossil fuel and deforestation. Solutions to this problem are not far fetched, for the problem can be simply resolved by quitting the emission of these heat-up gases. However, humans have persisted to indulge in such activities. It has been observed that our sources of energy supply pose to be harmful to us in the long run and alternative energies have been suggested.

Finally, the researches conducted on global warming have received much publicity and has thus generated both political and economic debates across the globe. The rich countries in the world have since commenced intensive measures against this problem, but the poor African countries are still far behind in this combat against it.