Responses to the Land Nature, Ecology Materialism

    About four billion years ago, the only place where life can exist was formed. Approximately 71 of the Earths surface is covered with water and the remaining percent comprises the land. As years passed on, changes were made to the world. People grew more technologically advanced and polluted the Earth. Resources became scarce and nations fought each other for survival. Indeed the more people grew more advanced, the faster they destroyed the Earth.

    At present, we have various ways to utilize the resources provided by our planet. Scientists continuously research ways on how to improve the lives of the people. However, though these advancements benefit the people, our planet is paying the price. Natural disasters are occurring because of the peoples obliviousness to the call of the Earth.

    Human beings are social creatures which mean they cannot live in isolation. At the same time, other creatures cannot live by themselves so they depend on others for food and the environment for as shelter. Ecology or the study of the abundance and distribution of organisms and their interaction with the environment is an essential part of a persons learning (Miller 51). Ecology focuses on the development of the ecosystems, life processes and biodiversity. Though the etymology of the word is remains to be uncertain, there is a general consensus that Ernst Haeckel, a German biologist first used the term in 1869 in his book Generelle Morpologie der Organismen (Rana 1). This study is preferred because of its many uses in the management of the natural resources and the further understanding of the human interaction.

Ecology is an established branch of science at the present. Ecologists around the world are striving to look for ways to decrease the rate of destruction of nature. Despite the lack of funding that the ecologists experience, they are doing their best to educate the people about how to save the Earth. The ecosystems of the planet are tied with the environment in which humans live in. What people do affects not only themselves but also the plants and other creatures around them. The natures machinery is gradually deteriorating even before the people figure out the full capacity of the world (Goodland 28). If the people are responsible for the deterioration of the environment then the people are also responsible for the deterioration of the ecosystems where other creatures live in.

    Much of the damages done to the Earth are irreversible now. The irresponsible ways of the people when they are disposing their trash are damaging the environment. One effect of pollution is the unusual acidity of the rainfall. The emissions released by factories which are harmful to the environment causes acid rain (McCormick xv).  Acid rain has adverse effects on animals, plants and the health of the people. The soil becomes polluted therefore trees and other vegetation cannot grow properly. Acidic rain also causes skin diseases such as cancer to the people. 

The threat of global warming is around us. We can see the effects of the threat when we turn on our televisions or read the newspaper. Earthquakes and great floods which kill thousands of people are occurring more often and the people are powerless to stop it. Over the centuries, the people learned to adapt to their climate and if a single disturbance happens, the people tend to be incapable of saving themselves (Houghton 8). Global warming is the continuous increase in the Earths average near-surface air and water temperature. If the problem of global warming is not addressed immediately, unusual weather events may occur and the ice caps may possibly melt that may submerge several low-lying countries.

The study of ecology therefore is important in order to understand the causes and consequences of ecological damages that the people create (Freedman xi). Though it may take years before researchers can completely comprehend solutions to the ecological problems, people should always keep in mind that they should take care of the environment they live in. If the people will remain oblivious to the problems they are causing, then they will be affected by more calamities sooner or later.

I believe that materialism also plays a role in the continuous destruction of the environment. Materialism is the idea that everything in this world is either made up of matter or fully dependent on matter for its existence. Some people are taking the concept of materialism seriously to the point that they are truly dependent on material things for their daily activities. If we look at the situation closely, instead of bridging people, materialism is creating a rift between people- the first group who are filled with luxury and the second group who are basically deprived of material convenience (Kasser ix).
Before we delve into the connection between materialism and the environment, it is important to understand first the effects of materialism to the peoples way of thinking. Most of us are either consciously or unconsciously seduced into believing that having more wealth and material things are essential to a persons life. Whenever we open the television or read magazines, we always see advertisements about luxurious things and these advertisements make the public want more. Even though the thing is not a necessity, they are enticed to buy more and consume more. Consciously or unconsciously, we are becoming more and more materialistic or more concerned with material possessions rather than spiritual and cultural values.

So what does materialism got to do with the destruction of nature When people demand more, manufacturers create more. Manufacturers use their factories more and their unprecedented utilization of resources is harmful to the environment. For an instance, when people demand more paper, manufacturers cut more trees. These trees are more often than not never replaced by the loggers who cut them and therefore cause soil erosion and flooding. If the trees used to make paper and other things are not replaced sooner, then the much feared global warming will have worsening effects.

    Another example is when people buy several cars which they do not need. Cars are not basic necessities. However, people still feel the need to buy it because of everyday demands. They use it to go to work, go places or just for collections. I actually do not see the reason why people need to purchase several cars especially when they do not use them regularly. More cars mean more demand for oil products. When there are also more cars in the streets, then there will be more pollution and a greater chance of increasing the greenhouse gases in the world.

    Indeed consuming and buying is not wrong especially if it is really needed by the person. What is wrong in this kind of scenario is the fact that when we, the people, consume too much, we often disregard the consequences it brings to nature. We should always remember that what we have in our lives came from nature so therefore we should do our share in conserving the environment. It does not necessarily mean that we should all study ecology and research ways on how to save the planet. What is important is we are aware of the present situation of our planet and we are doing our parts to save it. Our planet, the Earth, is the only place where we can live. So if we do not save it now, then we will be left with no place to live at all in the future.


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