Importance of Atmospheric Pollution

Atmospheric pollution, mainly caused by human activity, has been known to be the biggest contributor to global warming. The motor vehicle industry contributes to a huge percentage of the pollution. This is through engines that combust fuels rich in hydrocarbons so as to propel them from one point to the other. The combustion of hydrocarbons leaves the environment with such compounds that are known to cause environmental degradation leading to serious results such as global warming. The effects of global warming can be so devastating to human beings and other living organisms if left unchecked. As such, we will find out the types of alternative-fuels vehicles that have the least effect on the environment. The ones that have been noted to be least harmful are the electric vehicle, the hybrid vehicle and the hydrogen vehicle. We are going to look at their environmental and economic advantage and disadvantages. This would be a good guide to finding out which method of providing propulsion is most suitable and safe on our roads.

    The use of hydrogen for vehicle engine propulsion has been recorded as one of the least harmful to the environment. This is due to the fact that only water is produced as a by-product of the hydrogen combustion. It is also a fact that hydrogen is abundant in the atmosphere and would in the long run keep us from worries that there may be depletion of its reserves. The economy in the use of hydrogen is seen as a very high amount of the energy that results is usually converted to electrical energy and utilized. Most of the other means of propulsion experience wastage of fuel during combustion. A disadvantage of hydrogen is that a cheaper way of carrying liquid hydrogen has not been discovered. This would mean that a cost in the production and maintaining of the liquid hydrogen at a favorable condition is relatively expensive (Putting a Value on Nature, 2008).

    Hybrid cars have been in use for sometime now and are observed to be also less harmful to the environment. In as much as their efficiency cannot be compared to that of the normal vehicle, the hybrid cars are not only cheaper but they also utilize a lesser amount of fuel. This is due to the fact that a little amount of fuel is used to charge either a battery or to run a generator that finally produces electric energy to run the engine of the vehicle. This is a technology that not only gives the engine time to rest but also keeps production of emissions to a much lower level than that of the normal cars. Therefore, hybrid cars are a better way of using the fossil fuels in comparison to the normal car that is relatively expensive (Greco, 2009).

     The third car is the electric charged car. They have some form of batteries that are charged from a terminal point located in the vehicle. Charge stored is then utilized to run the car. Such fees as congestion charge and parking fees are either reduced considerably or not charged at all in cities like London. This is in addition to the fact that the car is very environment-friendly. Therefore, it is advisable to rent such a car as a tourist due to the fact that this would reduce the amount of money that you pay for the use of the car as you go around touring an area. Of the three types of alternative-fuels vehicles looked at, we note that the hybrid car is the cheapest. It is so because the hybrid car is so far the most convenient option for the three of them. It reduces the consumption of fuel considerably while at the same time being environment-friendly. In terms of initial production costs, it is the cheapest. Most motorists find it easier to buy a refurbished hybrid car than the other vehicles. This is due to the fact that they wear out slowly in comparison to the other cars.

Having looked at the three cars that are the most environment-friendly, it is wise to note that in as much as they are environment friendly and cheaper to utilize, it does not mean that their production cost is cheaper. The production of such engines is known to be higher than that of the standard car as the technologies require a more specialized approach. Therefore, the shifting to alternative-fuels engine is a goal that will require much more financial input. In short, it is an expensive venture.


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